Ultra Pro X
- Category: Detection systems-Gas & Flame
- Make: DISTRAN, Switzerland
- Item: Ultra Pro X.
- Product Catalogue: Download
Product detail:
Ultra Pro – Ultrasonic leak imaging for high-reliability inspections
Redefining standards in gas leak inspection
The Ultra Pro hand-held ultrasound imaging camera is capable of accurately locating gas leaks from several meters with unrivaled speed. It excels in finding leaks in high or in hard-to-reach areas.
The sensor works by detecting the specific sounds that pressurized gas leaks emit. Thanks to its integrated 124 ultrasound microphones, the ultrasound camera reconstructs the position of the sound source. The information is overlaid in real-time with a wide angle optical image.
Ultra Pro creates, in a single tap, images and videos that can be assembled in reports either using Distran’s reporting software Audalytics or with the user’s preferred software.
Ultra Pro X.