BFI Automation Germany
- Category: Flame Monitoring
- Name: BFI Automation Germany
- Products : Flame Scanners
- Product URL: www.flamonitec-bfi.com
Principal Details:
BFI Automation, Dipl. Ing. Kurt Henry Mindermann GmbH, offers solutions for industrial flame monitoring. The company that is currently managed by the second generation of its owners was founded in 1973 in Ratingen.
It is represented by sales and service offices in over 20 countries. Its activities focus on industrial automation. All devices in the BFI portfolio continue to be developed, manufactured and tested in the main plant in Ratingen - Made in Germany.
TUV-approved flame monitoring and evaluation systems lead our wide range of outstanding products. Applications include:
• Oil Fired burners
• Coal fired burners
• Gas fired burners
• H2S & BFG burners
• Any combination of above fuel application